4 Odors From Your Aircon and What They Could Mean

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How often does your air conditioner at home give off a smelly odor? Well, an air conditioner is an essential part of your home, especially when you live in Singapore, which is known for hot and humid weather.

So, it is vital to take care of your air conditioner with timely servicing. There are a number of common causes for a smelly air conditioner: bacteria and mold on the condenser coil, clogged drains, drainage pan issues, sewer gasses or small rodents that end up in the pipes that lead to your aircon chamber unit, or worse.

With the energy efficiency and comfort the air conditioner provides, especially if you’re working from home, you want it to keep functioning without any problems. Hence, if there is any sign of foul odor, you need to get to some work.

Timely dealing with the issues can help you avoid costly servicing later. Plus it isn’t pleasant to live with a stench that permeates your entire home.

Common Odors From an Aircon

If you wonder about ways to determine problems in your air conditioner, worry not! Your nose can smell it out for you. Here are four possible odors that your AC might produce in case of an underlying problem:

1.     Chemical Odor

If your air conditioner is giving a chemical smell, then it is not a good sign. A possible problem with this odor is that your air conditioner might have a refrigerant leak. Besides, it can cause a failure in the air conditioner before its time. 

Also, you can check for leaks with other signs like hissing or bubbling sounds, warm air from vents, inconsistent temperature, etc. So, check these things on time and get them fixed by one of our technicians. 

2.     Vinegar-Like Odor

If the AC gives an acidic smell, there are many reasons for it. It includes a clogged air filter, mold buildup in ductwork, or excess condensation.

You can replace the air filter in such a situation, but get it checked by a professional aircon technician if the problem persists.   

3.     Burning Odor

If there is a smell of burn from your AC, do not take it lightly because the worst case can lead to a fire. Besides, this odor might be because of a broken capacitor as it causes overheating of the motor. 

Therefore, you should immediately contact us to arrange an emergency aircon appointment to avoid problems and take necessary precautions.

4.     Musty Odor

The AC can smell like dirty, musty socks or a gym locker which is bad for your home environment. It can occur because evaporator coils build up bacteria and mold with condensation.

So, in this case you’ll need a deep clean and servicing, which you can arrange by getting in touch with us at MHI Aircon Singapore. 

Summing Up

If your air conditioner smells, it’s a warning that something is seriously wrong and it requires maintenance as soon as possible so the unit doesn’t get worse. We hope the above description of aircon odors in Singapore can help you understand the problems in the working of your air conditioner. If the problem persists, consult us by clicking here to schedule aircon service immediately.

Moreover, if you have issues with your AC not mentioned here, please contact us today and we will get back to you quickly.


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